Rogue Wave Math.h++ Classes

This page lists the classes available in Rogue Wave's Math.h++. From here, you can also access:

Vector, Matrix and Array Types:

Vector (1-Dimensional)	Matrix (2-Dimensional)	Array (n-Dimensional)
DComplexVec		DComplexGenMat		DComplexArray
DoubleVec		DoubleGenMat		DoubleArray
FloatVec		FloatGenMat		FloatArray
IntVec			IntGenMat		IntArray
SCharVec		SCharGenMat		SCharArray
UCharVec		UCharGenMat		UCharArray

constructors:		default, copy, character string, size, initializing...

subscripting:		use any combination of:  int, char *, RWSlice, RWRange, RWToEnd, RWAll
			Always returns a new view of the same data.
			All subscripting allows optional bounds checking.

overloaded operators:	- -, ++, +, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, <<, >>, [ ], ( )
			All arithmetic operators are overloaded for scalars and arrays.

member functions:	apply, apply2, bcref, bcref, bcset, bcval, binaryStoreSize, col, 
			colStride, cols, copy, data, deepCopy, deepenShallowCopy, diagonal, 
			dimension, length, pick, printOn, ref, reference, reshape, resize, 
			restoreFrom, row, rowStride, rows, saveOn, scanFrom, set, setFormatting, 
			slice, stride, val, zero

global functions:	abs, acos, arg, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, conj, conjDot, 
			conjTransposeProduct, cos, cosh, cumsum, delta, dot, exp, 
			expandConjugateEven, expandConjugateOdd, expandEven, expandOdd, 
			floor, imag, log, log10, mzxIndex, maxValue, mean, minIndex, 
			minValue, norm, pow, prod, product, real, reverse, roots OfOne, 
			sin, sinh, sqrt, sum, tan, tanh, toChar, toFloat, tolnt, transpose, 
			transposeProduct, variance

type conversion:	automatic conversion from char-->int-->float-->double-->complex classes
			explicit conversion from double-->float-->int-->char
			automatic conversion from Vec-->Array and GenMat-->Array
			explicit conversion from Array-->scalar, Array-->Vec, Array→GenMat

Linear Algebra classes:		Statistics classes:		Persistence classes:
DoubleGenFact			Histogram			RWbistream
FloatGenFact			LeastSqFit			RWbostream
DComplexGenFact			RandBinomial			RWvistream
				RandExp				RWvostream
Signal Processing Classes:	RandGamma			RWpistream
RandNormal			RWpostream
DComplexFFTServer		RandPoisson
DComplexFFT2DServer		RandUniform
Double FFTServer

global functions:	beta, binomialPF, exponentialPF, factorial, gaussianPF, kurtosis, 
			logGamma, lorentzianPF, poissonPF, rwEpslon, sort, skewness

© Copyright 1995, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.